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Machine Vision

Machine Vision

Machine Vision is the ability of computers to learn or understand an environment. Machine Vision is usually associated with the ability of computers to see. This ability is used to refer to the technology in which computers digitize images, process data, and take certain types of actions. One or more video cameras are used by performing analog to digital conversion and digital signal processing, after which the image data is sent to a computer or robot controller.

Machine Vision System uses sensors in the robot to see and recognize an object with the help of a computer. Machine Vision is used in various industrial processes, from material inspection, object recognition, pattern recognition, electronic component analysis, to signature recognition, optical character, and currency.

Besides material inspection, the vision system has several other applications. The system used for visual stock control and management, such as reading and calculating barcodes often uses the Machine Vision system. Industrial product processes use the Machine Vision system to evaluate products at various stages in the process. Even food and beverage manufacturers implement a machine vision system to monitor quality. In the medical field, Machine Vision systems are used in medical imaging and examination procedures.

Robot vision systems consist of a number of important components, which include cameras that capture images, to processing mechanisms that provide and communicate the results. For machine vision systems to work reliably and produce repeatable results, it is important how these important components interact.

Autonics Vision Sensor VG provides solutions to obstacles in your quality control process. Vision Sensor VG is a smart camera that captures images with an integrated industrial camera lens to determine the presence, size, shape, and pattern of the product. The image capture method uses the global shutter method so that it makes capturing images more accurate.

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Berita Machine Vision


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